Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassins Creed Black Flag

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Review

In Assassin’s Creed Black Flag players can explore jungles and other places, hunt, swim and fish in various islands of the Caribbean, including cities such as Havana, Nassau and Kingston. Through tools such as spyglass they can trace the cargo on ships or islands, explore lands or dive. Exploration is the key feature of this game, but the great portion involves naval combats.

The events of the past and presence clash when Abstergo Industries examines pirate, Edward Kenway’s memories to locate the Observatory, where it is possible to see through the eyes of another. The Observatory is also sought by empires to spy and blackmail world leaders. Players act as researchers for Abstergo.

Kenway was a Caribbean pirate who joined the Assassin Order. With the help of his memories players can explore Caribbean islands through combats and adventures. In the present day players can hack and investigate Abstergo’s offices to discover its secrets.

Side missions provide opportunities to launch attacks, perform assassinations or naval combats. Through missions new weapons and abilities can be gained, along with new crew members and tools to deal with various types of enemies. This is a way of exploring Edward Kenway’s memories as researchers. If they try to cross the area of these memories the ships will obstruct further exploration. Players can also interact with other players.

This game is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows and Xbox One.

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