Traversing with the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 follows the events of Wither 2 when Nilfgaard invades Temeria. Witcher is a middle aged dealing with his own problems. In the course of training, he developed superhuman abilities and became a professional hunter of monsters. In this open world game, choices have far-reaching consequences. It is the world full of merchant cities, pirate islands with Vikings, and forgotten caves. His most important task is a childhood prophecy, where he must find a child that is to save the world, as foretold by elves. Its world is immense compared to other combat computer games.

The Witcher 3 missions involve horseback rides, RPG games and combats there are opportunities to fight enemies in most wicked ways, including magic. Adventures involve fighting warlocks, dealing with treachery while following the main goal of finding a mystery child that is the only way to save the world. Along the way, there are ghostly threats and hidden menace. At some stage, the game undertakes its own life with natural elements influencing inhabitants and monsters.

As all computer games also rely on music for its deeper impact, Witcher 3 also boasts notable sound tracks.

With many side quests, powers and abilities can change during various time cycles. The main character Gerald of Rivia tries to stop the invasion of a ghost army called the Wild Hunt. He has no confidence of local people but has the ability to face monsters as well as the world full of war combats.

This game is good for both new and experienced players, who also have the opportunities to participate in other games, such as poker, fist fights and other card games. Witcher 3 undertook a different development path than other Xbox games.

The game has been released for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Mysterious World of Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor

Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor

Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor is an open world video game. It is based on J. R. Tolkien’s novel, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, an immortal spirit, created by supreme being Eru enters a physical world along with other beings. He defeats Talion, who guards the Black Gate of Mordor.

Talion becomes banished from death, although he himself is unsure what happened to when he is killed by Sauron. Sauron curses Talion to remain adrift between life and death. He continues as two beings, one is the shadow, who at times separates from the body of Talion. He can advise the physical Tallion on how to proceed.

There are elements of fast travel and it is possible to level up through various fights. There are also various story lines.

To lift the curse, Talion needs to find out everything about Sauron. As he learns about Sauron, he completes missions. He first needs to find a Slaver, who bought Sauron as a slave. There are various options available through his journey, such as maintaining health through herbs. His missions involve killing all guards, who keep control of the slaves. There are also various elements that can be researched. After killing the Slaver, Talion chases Gollum who has been watching him, but Gollum speaks in riddles. The player is also provided with various abilities in the game.

The combat system reminds Assassins’ Creed as Talion travels. Talion’s journey through Middle-Earth involves fighting characters, with interactions that can be modified. His enemies can also change in the course of these interactions. The Nemesis System used in the game enables these modifications and changes.

Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor has been awarded a game of the year, also because of its innovative Nemesis system.