The Walking Dead Season 2 Resumes the End of the World Apocalypse

The Walking Dead Game Review

The Walking Dead Season 2 continues to intrigue, following its Season 1 that was released last year. The main character, Clementine engages players as she deals with the aftermath of the end of the world, those that survived and those that rose from the dead.

In Season 1 Lee Everett manages to avoid being jailed for his crimes when zombies try to take over the world. He ends up caring for Clementine, while they both have to battle the dead. Players choose a character they want to play and have the ability to make some decisions and choices that determine how the story progresses.

Season 2 is also based on the decisions players made in Season 1. Clementine loses contact with her friends. This part is not just about killing zombies. Clementine becomes a tough survivor, as she also faces brutality. The choices and decisions made involve the same characters that were part of the previous Season while we also meet new characters, facing new situations. These choices are tougher than in previous episodes.

The story delivers grappling moments, where your conversation provides many turning points. There seems to be less action but there are more immersive dangerous incidents posed by other survivors.

Clementine faces more difficult challenges, acting independently as well as being driven by decisions made by players. Along with exploration of graphics and interesting characters players submerge into the dark world of intrigue, becoming even more curious about what happens in the following episodes yet to be released.

It is not just one of many zombies games or gun games, but definitely the game to play this year.
Platforms include PS3, Xbox 360, iOS, PlayStation Vita, Ouya, Microsoft Windows and OS X.